A cash loan from Freddy's Fast Cash can put some money in your pocket when you need it. There's no credit check required to complete our application, because your loan is based on your current financial situation instead of your credit score. Customers in Texas and Oklahoma can swing by any of our Texas locations to pick up their cash.

No Credit Check

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What you need to get approved for a cash loan with no credit check required:

Open and Active Checking Account

90 day Bank Activity print out with Direct Deposit or 180 day Bank Activity print out with non Direct Deposit.

Debit Card

Driver's License or State Issued I.D. Card

Social Security

What Are Cash Loans For?

We lend you cash that you can spend to meet your expenses. Customers might choose to use money from a cash loan to pay for urgent medical bills, to fix things around the house, or to simply cover everyday living expenses.

Freddy's Fast Cash Loan Questions

A payday loan is simply an installment loan that provides cash up front in exchange for periodic payments over time to repay the principal of the loan, plus interest. Getting a payday loan from Freddy's Fast Cash is quick, easy, and doesn't require a credit check. 

Getting approved for a payday loan from Freddy's Fast Cash is designed to be quick and easy. In most cases borrowers can get approved right away and pick up their cash the very same day.

Freddy is always looking for a way to get you the cash you need! The approval process is fast and there's no credit check required, so there's no reason not to apply. Almost every borrower with a reliable source of income is able to get approved and pick up their cash the same day.

The maximum amount of money you'll be able to receive from a payday loan is regulated by state law, but Freddy's can lend most borrowers hundreds of dollars or more. You'll qualify for a particular loan amount based on your current income within the allowed range.